Off course not a real one, but a green one.
WHAT? This is the FLOWER GRENADE. SUCK UK came with this concept because of all the neglected places all over the UK. They wanted to make those places greener. By throwing a Flower Grenade on one of those neglected places, you can make that area greener. That's because the Flower Grenades are filled with plant seeds. So when you return back months later to that area, you will find your own plant. THROW & GROW!
WHERE & WHY? I've found it at a sale market. The salesman didn't know what it was and what he should do with is, so I've got it for free. I fist thought they where just grenade statues, but there was a whole concept behind it. A cool way to make this world a bit greener.
FUTURE? I think this concept has future potential. We want to make the world greener, but don't have time to plant some plants or just find it boring. This is a great way to make it easier and fun. The flower seed business could do something with this to make it more attractive. Nowadays people want to live greener and are more aware of how important it is to live in a greener world.