We all can remember the hand shadow puppets we use to make when we where kids. These artists brought it to a whole 'nother level. They made these mind blowing sculptures out of junk creating shadow illusions. Can't imagine how much work it is to calculate the exact light positions. It's incredible how detailed the shadows are! It's the art to keep the balance between the material and the immaterial (the light and shadow).

Tim Noble and Sue Webster

Kumi Yamashita

Larry Kegan

What could this mean in the future? The economy in the big cities turning into a 24/7 economy. What means that the city life is going on and on for 24 hours, day and night. The contrast between day and night is fading away. The only thing we can't control as humans is the sunlight. Even when the city life is going on 24/7, we could make a visual contrast between day and night by putting shadow illusion sculptures into these cities. For instance, by day trees are just trees, but at night they projecting a wonderful shadow illusion on a building. You can see is as some kind of night graffiti.