Who doesn't love gif. animations? I just have a thing for it. It can make a picture come alive or it repeats your favorite moment of a movie. Pieterjan Grandry created 'The gif player' for the animated gif exhibition. It's a refreshed version of the phenakistiscope
   Before Internet or even computers where invented, Jozeph Plateau invented the phenakistiscope. The first device that was able to show moving images. During the breakthrough of the digital era, the gif animation was the first online movie. You can say it was an online version of the phenakistiscope. Grandry combined the old phenakistiscope with new digital visuals.

Translating online things in offline things. Similar concepts seems to pop-up more often these last few years. Concepts that makes us aware of the offline world that still exist next to the online world. We are living in a digital era. With the fast grew of technology amazing things are made possible. But people are also increasingly dependent on technology, becoming more dependent on materials. Can a kid that's growing up in a digital world still amuse himself without all that digital stuff?

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